This a a portrait of Clarence Dixon Brassfield, son of Elvis H. Brassfield and Nellie Belle Bates-Brassfield.
Clarence was born 116 years ago on January 7, 1895. He and Jennie Martinson had two boys prior to his death in 1941. So somewhere out there might be some cousins of Elvis John Brassfield. They would be between 70 and 80 years old, their names are in the 1959 Higginson Brasfield-Brassfield book, but if they are still living, I'm not going to list them here for privacy reasons.
One note about the photo, the original 1200 dpi scan shows a bit of detail on the pins he is wearing, the one on his upper left lapel appears to be masonic. I can't make out the other object though.