This post is to help me prepare for a potential future trip to Lake Creek Cemetery, Lake Creek Township, Calhoun County, Iowa. I have some notes and there are a few transcriptions available online as well.
More after the jump...
John Franklin Ross (1859-1934), Husband of Mary
Mary Hay (Stotler) Ross (1864-1959), wife of John
Mary Ada (Ross) Gillespie (1894-1987), daughter of John F. Ross
Harold Acklin Whitted (1903-1989), Husband of Helen (Ross)
Helen Elizabeth (Ross) Whitted (1903-1990), daughter of John F. Ross, Wife of Harold Whitted
John Franklin Ross Jr. (1899-1976), Son of John F. Ross
Lulu Grace (Scroggin) Ross (1901-1937), wife of J.F. Ross Jr.
Charles A. Whitted (1878-1965), Father of Harold Whitted
Anna M. (Acklin) Whitted (1877-1913), Wife of Charles A. Whitted, mother of Harold
Lots of Whitteds and Acklins in there, too so I'll have plenty to photograph. IaGenWeb has row numbers, so hopefully that should minimize walking.
Find a Grave has a pretty good listing as well.
Iowagravestones has a decent listing and photos
A 1978 transcription is here from Iowa Genweb.