FOR SALE: Westfield theatre,
building with or without theatre
equipment, or equipment separate-
ly. Will sell at a sacrafice. All
reasonable offers considered. Call
or contact Mrs. Alma Schauer
or Leo Parker, Westfield.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Treasure Chest Thursday - For Sale - Westfield Theatre
This is a scan of the classified ad to sell the Westfield Theatre. It was published in The Central Union, Westfield, Wisconsin, March 10, 1955. I'm not sure what the back story on this is, but my grandparents saved the newspaper from this date and this is the only thing that I could find that was related to the family. Leo Parker was my grandfather and Alma (Polsfuss) Schauer was my great grandmother. My great grandfather, Arnold Schauer, died in September 1954 and was a business man in Westfield, so perhaps it's related to his death.
Westfield, WI, USA