My first post here was on August 17, 2010 and this is the 200th post. I'm, still mostly posting pictures that I'm scanning from old photo albums. Hopefully they are interesting to the family. I still intend to do some actual blogging about genealogy stuff, but right now it seems like I only have time to post the photos I have scanned.
I'm trying out Flickr, but none of the photos are public right now. Maybe I'll give that a shot in the future.
My goal for the near future will be to continue to post two or three times per week. I'm taking some online classes right now, so I would expect that to take up a significant part of my time in the next 8 weeks. I will continue to post photos I have scanned from albums, until those run out and then I'll have to find time to scan more. I also have a few dozen tombstone photos left to post as well. So that's what you can expect in the near future. E-mail or post a comment if there is something specific you want me to post about, otherwise I will continue like I have for the past 200 posts.